No audiolog has been kept noted, thiugh it has talked in the past (my excuse of not typing a LOT - ) Scp- was found in, USA in an abandoned warehouse, drawing silently, and came willingly as lomg as her gemstone wasent stolen, they agreed and took it to site. odd, shes doesent curse, unstead says things like "starclan" and "foxheart" and even "mousedung" Scp- has a sweet, soft voice, oftine having a studder when it is nervous or caught doing sonetjing stupid, granted her volcabulary is. Scp- resembles a young blonde girl with a streak of black in its hair, its eyes depict its mood and it always has its sketch book with it, aswell as its box, it also has a gem necklace, but it refuses to explain why the necklace is there It is extremly friendly to personel, never hurting anybody, not even the d-class, only one personel has been able to get scp- to trust them enough to show them its drawings It also seems EXTREMELY protectove of a small wooden box it has, oftine saying 'if a corruptid would get the gemstone, everything will be destroyed' seem to bring its drawings to life? All instinces of its drawibg are to be refered to as scp-2 Depending on her drawing and mood effects her drawings, the bigger the drawing the more tine it takes to 'summon', its mood will effect the drawings behavior, if its sad, scp-2 will be moping, if its happy, they are friendly, if its mad, scp-2 WILL attackĪny being seems to be effected by ots aura around ot, just DONT look at its drawing, its stress levels will begine to rise and one of the other scps will attempt to breack containment in attempts to calm scp- down/kill whoever hurt scp. Scp- seems to be nortmal, except its ability to. Scp- is to be kept in a small room with a camera to keep an eye on them :black_medium_small_square: :black_square_button: :black_medium_small_square: :black_square_button: :black_medium_small_square: :black_square_button: :black_medium_small_square: :black_square_button: :black_medium_small_square: :black_square_button: :black_medium_small_square: :black_square_button: :black_medium_small_square: :black_square_button: :black_medium_small_square:īlue (yellow when. O5 COUNCIL Please sign in to access file. View at your own risk: YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED. Viewing this file could put your physical reality at risk. Viewing these files could result in Mandatory Amnestic Treatment, Demotion, and possible Termination.

He took the role of the clown, to drive the idea of figuring out the truth away to result in the legend never being discovered. Through the darkness he saw, he locked him away in the graveyard next to the barn. Was built but due to the idea of biology being interpreted due to this, the brain implant worked in the end but resulted in the death of the soul of the maker. The main legend past around the most is: The Dreadbear animatronic Acquisition Log: SCP-086 is presumed to have been created on June 12, 1978, when Dr. REDACTED, or a 'sleeper' persona which sincerely believes itself to be Dr. REDACTED, and that it may be an alien intelligence expertly posing as Dr. Many myths and legends revolve around SCP 061 but only a few are real while the others distract from the idea of SCP 061 being real. However, SCP-086 has pointed out that there is no way to confirm that it actually thinks of itself as Dr. These beliefs are what allow SCP 061 to be real and enter our reality through phantoms and shadows. SCP 061 is believed to be the guardian of the grave and the reason for the "red moon". However, what makes this animatronic different is that it's legend that this animatronic is a Frankenstein with human features like a brain. He stands at 8 feet tall with sharp calls and teeth. SCP 061 might not even be real.ĭescription: SCP 061 resembles a tall, finch bear with a protruding brow, a wide muzzle, and small glowing yellow eyeballs. O5-██ has refused to speak about SCP 061 and would rather purge all records from the Foundation database.Ĭurrently SCP 061 can't be contained as they don't physically exist.
Special Containment Procedures: Only O5-██ knows how to property contain SCP 061.